Hunger Coalition of the Low Country

P.O. Box 22738 Hilton Head, SC 29925
2277 Thomson Highway Hilton Head Island South Carolina 29928 US

Our mission: help end hunger in Southern Beaufort County.

The Hunger Coalition, founded in 2010, is a multifaith alliance of community volunteers who work together to address hunger issues in the Lowcountry. Hunger Coalition has no paid staff members, thus allowing us to maximize return of all donated dollars to those in need.

We focus on programs for children, families, and adults whose economic situation limits their ability to have an adequate supply of healthy food. Our flagship program is Backpack Buddies, providing weekend emergency food to students in local public schools. Our other programs are built around collaboration with other service organizations in our community to address hunger issues (Boys and Girls Club, Volunteers in Medicine, several local soup kitchens).